Our booklets cover a range of topics and are written by Eleanor Wright, SOS!SEN Co-ordinator and solicitor. They offer up-to-date, legally-based advice as well as hints and tips to help you understand more about your child’s entitlements and the journey to securing the right SEN provision.
The booklet on Needs Assessments was a god-send. So much to get my head around but this was a really helpful overview.
This booklet covers the topics:
- Where do we find the law and guidance?
- Children and young people
- Practical steps
- How do I start the process?
- What happens next?
- Legal criteria for assessment
- Unlawful requirements
- What if the LA refuses assessment?
- What if the LA agrees to assessment?
- Criteria for issuing an EHC Plan
- Time limits and their enforcement
- Appeals
- How can SOS!SEN help?
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This booklet covers the topics:
- Where do we find the law and guidance?
- Children and young people
- Advice and Information to support an EHCP
- Education, Health and Care Plan
- The Contents of the Education, Health and Care Plan
- Section by section guidance
This booklet covers the topics:
- Where do we find the law, rules and guidance?
- What can I appeal against?
- Deadline for appeal
- Mediation
- Evidence for Appeals
- Who can appeal?
- How do I start the appeal
- Appeal grounds
- Appeal process
- The decision
- Appealing against a First-Tier Tribunal decision
- National trial for appeals concerning health and social care issues
This booklet covers the topics:
- Where do we find the law and guidance?
- The background
- The right to education
- Unofficial/informal exclusions and part time education
- Lawful exclusions
- Right of review
- Independent schools
- Disability discrimination appeals
- Alternative provision off school site
- Sources of help