Checking a draft EHCP
If the LA has agreed to issue an EHCP, or has agreed to amend an EHCP following annual review, it must consult with parents and a young person on those changes. It cannot issue a Final EHCP without that process taking place.
You have at least 15 days to review the contents of an EHCP and we can help you with what to look out for.
Given that the EHCP is a legal document when it is issued, it is highly important to take the time to review what the document contains. And importantly, what it is missing.
A few examples to look at would include:
- Section A – does it contain all the information you have provided on behalf of you as a parent, and on behalf of a young person?
- Section B – does it contain all needs? Section 9.49 of the Code of Practice 2015 requires Section B to contain all needs. Are there needs missing that have been identified. Does it get across the scale of the issue
- Section F – is there provision to meet every need?
A response in writing is highly recommended to ensure you have formally made the LA aware of your feedback.
Look at our tools and guidance below on checking a draft EHCP.
Talk to us about asking us to prepare a review of the document that takes all evidence, input from you, school and professionals and relevant legislation and the SEND Code of Practice into consideration.