I’m not sure if the school can still meet needs
Your child has been struggling at school. Something isn’t right and you aren’t sure if the school is the right place.
This could be because
- your child’s needs have changed or are changing
- provision has not been delivered as outlined in the EHCP
- the school don’t seem to be coping or managing and you are having to get involved
- the school have suggested a part time time table or your child is at risk of exclusion
- your child is having meltdowns in school
- your child is at risk of anxiety-based school avoidance
It’s important to raise your concerns with the school SENCO about what you think is happening. If behaviours are an issue, it could be due to a number of factors concerning your child’s SEN that are not being supported. Ask the school what they can propose to further support? Ask them if they think an early review is appropriate?
You are able to call a early review if you feel things have changed so that you can review whether the EHCP is still accurate and relevant. You can call this at any time but you do need a good reason to do so.
Discuss this with the SENCO and contact your case worker at the LA to request this is carried out as soon as possible.